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Doctor's Desk


Watch informational videos on vEDS

Dave DeMasi, FIGHT vEDS co-founder, discusses FIGHT vEDS, genetic testing, upcoming clinical trials, and all things vascular EDS with Katie Wright from the vEDS Movement.


Katie Wright and Dave DeMasi

Dr. Byers discusses vascular EDS at the recent vEDS conference put on by Ryan's Challenge in April of 2018. He is one of the leading world experts in the disease.


Dr. Peter Byers

Dr. Shane Morris discusses her experience in managing vascular EDS patients at the recent vEDS conference put on by Ryan's Challenge in April of 2018. She works in pediatrics managing the care of many children with vEDS


Dr. Shaine Morris

Dr. Hal Dietz discuses vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the future directions of research and therapy. Published June 16th, 2015.


Dr. Hal Dietz

Dr. Mitzi Murray discusses genetic testing in all forms of EDS.  Why do patients get tested?  What are the tests available?  How do we interpret the test results?  What are the next steps?  All of this and more is covered in her talk!.


Dr. Mitzi Murray

Dr. Sherene Shalhub discusses blood vessel monitoring and surgery in vascular EDS at the EDS Society Rarer Types Day in 2018.

Dr. Sherene Shalhub

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